Clean Lakes Alliance’s Frozen Assets Festival
The TeamSoft Charitable Giving Committee is proud to announce Clean Lakes Alliance has been chosen as the TeamSoft summer party charity for 2018. Clean Lakes Alliance is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization devoted to improving the water quality of the lakes, streams, and wetlands of the Yahara River watershed.
Each year, Clean Lakes Alliance runs a 3-day event called the Frozen Assets Festival, which highlights the status of our lakes as one of our community’s biggest assets. The Frozen Assets Festival is a family-friendly daytime event held indoors and outdoors at The Edgewater. The event runs throughout the weekend of Friday, February 2nd through Sunday, February 4th. The Festival is FREE and open to all.
There are numerous no-cost family-friendly activities all weekend long, including ice skating, sleigh rides, pond hockey, ice science, and more at the Frozen Assets Festival, plus a competitive Frozen Assets 5K on Lake Mendota and Frozen Assets Fat Bike Race on the ice.
For more information, please visit the Clean Lakes Alliance website.