Farmers’ Market Family Pack
For the next month, Sharing Wishes would like to highlight the Farmers’ Market Family Pack fundraising event. Our goal is to raise enough money for 10 Farmers’ Market Family Packs, which are $75 per pack. Each pack includes $15 for 10 metro bus passes and $60 in the form of Dane County Farmers’ Market gift certificates. This will provide transportation for 10 families to get to and from one of the greatest farmers markets in the country. As a family they can spend a Saturday morning together enjoying the sights and sounds of the market, purchase fresh, organic, locally grown produce, as well as other yummy stuff, while supporting local farmers and bakers.
As we raise money for the Famers’ Market Family Fun Packs, you can watch our progress on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/TeamSoftInc). The updates will consist of images of 10 grocery bags to represent each of the Family Packs. When a Family Pack is complete, or when increments of $75 are raised, you will see a fully colored-in grocery bag. This way you can watch our progress and see how your donation will help fill up these grocery bags!
To donate, we will be setting up two donation sites. One will be on the east side of Madison on May 7th from 7:30 AM until 8:30 AM in Lobby A of American Family Insurance, 6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783. The other will be on the west side of Madison on May 8th from 7:30 AM until 4:30 PM at the TeamSoft Office, 1350 Deming Way, Ste. 250, Middleton, WI 53562. We will be accepting donations in the form of checks made out to the Dane County Farmers’ Market (for Family Packs) and Metro Transit (for bus passes).
For people who are out of state or unable to visit these donation sites, we welcome you to mail your donations to the TeamSoft Office, address listed above.
Along with our fundraising for the Farmers’ Market Family Packs, we will be accepting all donations for the Sharing Wishes Summer Wish List. To view the Summer Wish List, logon on to the Teammate Portal and click on “Past Newsletters”. There you will find the Sharing Wishes Summer Wish List with all the necessary items for summer.
For more questions about the Famers’ Market Family Packs or Sharing Wishes donations, please contact Lisa Quam at lquam@teamsoftinc.com, or call the TeamSoft office at (608) 827-7772.