United Way Campaign
TeamSoft’s United Way campaign wrapped up this week and we wanted to send out the results as soon as we had them. TeamSoft’s generous consultants, employees and subcontractors donated a total of $6,062, which was more than $1,000 over our original goal – amazing! On top of that, TeamSoft’s Charitable Giving Committee provided a match of $2,000, which raised the total donated to the United Way to $8,062 this year. Several of you also allocated your donations to WAGS, so they are receiving $1,337.50 of our United Way contributions.
Emily Potter was the lucky raffle winner this year, and she chose the Overture Center/Dinner gift certificate package. Congratulations, Emily!
We wanted to extend a special thanks to all who attended our United Way Kickoff Lunch at American Family this year. We truly value the effort and willingness of all of you in donating your time and money to organizations that TeamSoft gets involved in. We especially appreciate your attention during your workday. We spend quality time putting events and fundraisers together and it really makes it all worthwhile when our team of employees, subcontractors, consultants, and our families value helping their communities as much as we do. The reciprocity is so gratifying. Cheers to another successful United Way campaign. We are looking forward to next year already.