Visiont Rebrands to TeamSoft Des Moines
Flashback about 6 months to September of 2017 when the IT branches of Peoplelink Group (TeamSoft and Visiont) began our partnership. Since then, our teams have worked diligently sharing best practices, partnering at clients, and rolling out new programs. We have successfully made cross placements between the branches. The Visiont branch was introduced to many new perks and benefits for our consultants.
Today, we would like to officially announce the name change of the Visiont branch to TeamSoft Des Moines as well as the introduction of a new brand identity. In the coming days, you’ll be seeing our new name and look on our website and social media channels. Soon you’ll see the new look on all of our branded company materials as well.
Both teams are excited about the collaboration and the opportunities this brings to candidates, current consultants, and clients. The newly formed IT Division, TeamSoft, represents the strong ethics that both TeamSoft and Visiont were built upon.
The future looks bright and we look forward to growth within our own individual markets and across the Midwest. As always, thank you for your continued trust and confidence.