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Protect Your Organization from Cyber Attacks With Qualified IT Security Specialists

You’ve heard about the importance of data privacy and security, especially in recent years as the risks of cyber threats have increased and become more widespread. Experts predict that the global costs of cybercrime will reach $10.5 trillion by 2025, up 15% from $3 trillion in 2015. Organizations across industries like yours must remain on high alert to protect their invaluable digital assets from ever-growing and changing cyber threats.  

That said, have no fear—the IT security specialist is here.  

IT security specialists are well-versed in the world of information security and the challenges that network security brings, including an in-depth understanding of a variety of cybersecurity threats and any other vulnerabilities that may affect their company. And their expertise and experience determine whether a company’s digital fortress remains impenetrable or succumbs to hackers’ increasingly advanced and insidious tactics.  

If you’re ready to bring an IT security specialist or two (or four) onto your team, read on to learn what makes a candidate not just good, but exceptional at protecting organizations like yours from cybersecurity threats. We’ll explore the qualities and qualifications that set them apart in a world where the stakes are higher than ever. 

The Qualities of an Exceptional IT Security Specialist: Resume Watch List

#1: Real-World Experience

When it comes to protecting your organization from cyber threats, real-world experience is the linchpin of an IT security specialist’s qualifications. It’s the practical knowledge gained through hands-on work that sets them apart in the field of information security. 

Here are some specifics to look for in terms of real-world experience when vetting candidates. 

Incident Response

One of the cornerstones of an IT security specialist’s resume is their ability to respond swiftly and effectively when a security incident occurs. This real-world experience involves dealing with breaches, malware and ransomware attacks, and other security threats. This shows their ability to work beyond theoretical knowledge and apply it with a battle-tested strategy to mitigate risks and minimize damage. 

Threat Detection

Effective threat detection is another key aspect of an IT security specialist’s experience. They must have a track record of identifying and neutralizing potential threats before they can wreak havoc. This involves using advanced multilayer security tools and techniques to monitor networks for suspicious activities, which can be the difference between a minor issue and a major data breach. And it means staying informed of the latest cybercrime trends to always keep your company at least one step ahead of the bad actors.  

Security Infrastructure Management

A strong IT security specialist has a history of managing security infrastructure, including overseeing firewalls, intrusion detection systems, encryption protocols, and more. Their real-world experience in managing these tools ensures that your organization’s digital assets remain secure and protected. 

Vulnerability Assessment

An exceptional IT security specialist doesn’t just react to threats—they proactively seek out vulnerabilities in your organization’s systems. They conduct thorough vulnerability assessments to identify weak points that could be exploited by cybercriminals. This proactive approach is a hallmark of an expert in the field. 

Security Policy Development

Lastly, a standout IT security specialist has a history of developing robust security policies. Backed by their experience with policy development, they will craft guidelines, protocols, and best practices to safeguard your organization’s data—ensuring that your entire team is on the same page when it comes to cybersecurity. 

To summarize: When reviewing resumes, look for candidates with a demonstrated history of hands-on experience in these critical areas, as they will be your organization’s frontline defenders against cyber threats. 

#2: Specialized Education and Training

While real-world experience forms the foundation of an exceptional IT security specialist, specialized training is the scaffolding that elevates their expertise. It’s not enough to rely solely on past experiences, given the rapid pace at which cyber threats evolve. Criminals innovate too, unfortunately. So, IT education and training is not a one-and-done situation.  

Qualified candidates should demonstrate a clear commitment to ongoing education and continuous learning from certified training programs and courses even beyond their initial education and trainings. This demonstrates to your organization that they’re fully committed to staying current with the latest threats and trends, as well as the newest technologies and best practices to protect the organization. 

Top Certifications and Courses for IT Security Specialists

When assessing an IT security specialist’s resume, look for the following certifications and courses that demonstrate their expertise: 

  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP): This globally recognized certification validates an individual’s ability to design, implement, and manage a best-in-class cybersecurity program. 
  • Certified Information Security Manager (CISM): CISM-certified professionals are experts in managing an organization’s information security program. This certification signifies their competence in risk management, governance, and incident response. 
  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH): IT security specialists with a CEH certification have demonstrated their proficiency in identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in systems, just like a malicious hacker would. This knowledge is vital for preemptively securing your organization. 
  • Cybersecurity Courses: Review their list of completed cybersecurity courses. Look for programs from reputable institutions and those that cover topics such as penetration testing, ethical hacking, and threat analysis. 

Certifications and courses not only provide IT security specialists with theoretical knowledge, but also impart practical skills. These professionals learn how to use the latest cybersecurity tools effectively, interpret threat data, and make informed decisions to protect your organization. Practical skills gained through training programs ensure their preparedness for addressing real-world cyber threats. 

To summarize: When reviewing resumes, prioritize candidates who have pursued relevant certifications and training to ensure your organization benefits from their up-to-date expertise. 

#3: Clearly Demonstrated Non-Technical Skills

While hard skills are clearly important to take into consideration when hiring an IT security specialist, it’s not just their technical prowess that sets an exceptional candidate apart—it’s also the “soft skills they bring to the table. This is the glue that holds IT security teams together and ensures the smooth functioning of your organization’s cybersecurity efforts. 

Here’s why soft skills are equally indispensable in IT security roles: 

Cross-Functional Communication

IT security specialists need to translate complex technical jargon—things like risks, strategies, and incident reports—in a way that non-IT colleagues can easily understand. A specialist with strong communication skills is more likely to keep everyone on the same page when it comes to cybersecurity if their communication skills are on point.

Example: A security specialist discovers a potential vulnerability in your organization’s network. Their clear and consumable communication with both the IT team and other relevant departments like legal and compliance, coupled with solution proposals and an emphasis on urgency, facilitates a swift and coordinated organizational response. This proactive approach lowers the chances of security issues and safeguards important data and systems from being breached. 


Cybersecurity is a team sport. IT security specialists collaborate with colleagues from various departments to implement security measures and respond to incidents. Effective teamwork enables them to share insights, tackle challenges collectively, and create a cohesive defense against cyber threats.

Example: Unfortunately, your organization is impacted by a security breach—but your IT security specialist is all over it. They immediately rally your incident response teams, legal departments, and law enforcement agencies to remove the threat and minimize the damage. Their collaborative efforts help contain the breach swiftly and ensure the gathering of vital evidence, increasing the likelihood of bringing cybercriminals to justice. 


Every cyber threat presents its own unique intricacies and sets of challenges to solve. IT security specialists with strong problem-solving skills can think critically, analyze situations, and devise innovative solutions to mitigate risks effectively, no matter the cybersecurity scenario they’re faced with.

Example: Your organization encounters a sophisticated new malware strain. In response, your IT security specialist immediately puts their strong problem-solving skills to work. They analyze the malware’s behavior, identify weaknesses, and develop countermeasures to neutralize the threat—ultimately protecting your critical systems and invaluable data. 

To summarize: While technical expertise is the foundation, it’s effective communication, teamwork, and problem-solving that enable IT security teams to adapt, respond, and thrive in the unpredictable world of cyber threats. When evaluating IT security specialist resumes, pay close attention to candidates who showcase a strong blend of both technical and soft skills—they’re the ones who will truly fortify your organization’s cybersecurity defenses. 

#4: Strong Leadership and Adaptability

As the frequency of cyber threats increases, the demand for extraordinary cybersecurity leaders continues to grow—especially when it comes to senior positions. While technical prowess and hands-on experience remain vital, the ability to guide, inspire, and manage a team can be the key to successfully navigating the complex world of cybersecurity. 

Leadership in IT security extends beyond managing security operations—it involves setting a strategic direction for the team, making critical decisions under pressure, and ensuring that the organization’s cybersecurity measures align with its broader goals. Strong leadership can be the linchpin that keeps your cybersecurity efforts on track. 

Adaptability Is Key to Effective Leadership

One undisputed sign of a strong leader is adaptability, which is mission critical in the tech world. Threats evolve, technologies advance, and new vulnerabilities emerge. IT security specialists must be highly adaptable and always ready to pivot their strategies and approaches to fend off whatever cybercriminals might try next.  

Consider this quote from Cicely Simpson that rings especially true for security pros: “Knowing that the future is inherently unpredictable is the closest you’ll ever come to predicting the future, so you may as well learn to adapt accordingly.” This rings exceptionally true for security pros. 

Leadership Experience to Seek Out on IT Security Candidate Resumes

Look for these indicators of an individual’s leadership and adaptability: 

  • Past leadership roles: Look out for any positions where the candidate had formal leadership responsibilities, such as leading a security team, managing projects, or mentoring junior staff. Keep in mind that not all qualified candidates may have held formal leadership titles, but their ability to lead effectively within your organization is definitely a plus. 
  • Strategic thinking: Assess whether the candidate demonstrates a strategic approach to cybersecurity. Have they been involved in developing and executing security strategies aligned with the organization’s objectives? 
  • Adaptive mindset: Look for evidence of the candidate’s ability to keep up with IT security industry and cybercrime trends and adapt to changing circumstances. Things like active memberships and/or certifications in emerging technologies from widely recognized groups such as ISACA, the National Security Alliance, or ASIS International are a good sign. 
  • Crisis management: Examine whether the candidate has a track record of effectively managing and mitigating security incidents. During the interview, ask them to describe specific instances where they’ve demonstrated their ability to lead and make critical decisions under intense pressure. 

To summarize: When seeking senior IT security specialists, short list those who possess technical expertise as well as strong leadership qualities and adaptability. These traits ensure that your organization can navigate the cybersecurity landscape with proactiveness, effectiveness, and resilience. 

Looking for an IT Security Specialist? TeamSoft Can Help.

With cybersecurity threats showing no signs of slowing down, now’s the time to hire an IT security specialist to ensure your organization’s precious data stays safe and secure.  

At TeamSoft, our team is skilled at identifying IT professionals who fit your company culture and can contribute to the safety and success of your business for the short term and the long game. Contact us today to help you find your next hire.